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Featured Projects


We are collaborating with the owners of a brick manufacturing company where workers are employed at extremely low wages, and sadly, child labor and indentured relationships are common. This is a harsh reality within the brick industry in Pakistan. The need for education and reform is tremendous, and we are committed to helping change these practices. As we engage in this work, we share the Gospel and show love to those whom Satan would have us view as adversaries. Let us pray that owners and employees would all come to faith in Christ.

Malawi & Tanzania

We are working with faith communities in rural Malawi.  We have provided several water wells and food relief efforts after floods destroyed farmlands.  We sponsor a weekly radio broadcast that reaches both Tanzania and Malawi. The broadcast intends to provide education and encouragement to the rural area population.


We have provided more than 20 water wells in rural India.  We are reaching tribes forgotten by the mainstream.  We also support a leper colony; providing food, a small paper plate factory, and weekly fellowship.  In the south, we support a home for widows and orphans.

Pakistan - Wells of Hope

Malawi - Tanzania


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